Data Policy

ScholarStreams is dedicated to advancing academic and research collaboration through our digital platform. Our Data Policy is crafted to ensure transparency in how we collect, use, and manage the information provided by our users. This policy underpins our commitment to support the academic community while safeguarding user privacy.

Personal Data:

This includes information that users voluntarily provide, such as names, email addresses, and institutional affiliations. Such data enables us to create a personalized experience, facilitating academic networking and collaboration.

Usage Data:

We automatically collect data on how our services are accessed and used. This includes metrics like page views, download counts, and the duration of visits. Analyzing this data helps us identify trends and improve our platform's content and usability

Data Usage:

The primary purpose of collecting data is to enhance our services and support the academic community. Personal Data allows us to tailor our platform to meet user preferences and foster academic connections. Usage Data helps us understand how our resources are utilized, enabling us to optimize our offerings and ensure they meet the needs of our users.

Sharing and Management of Data:

We may share user data with trusted academic partners and institutions to promote research collaboration. Any sharing of data is governed by strict privacy controls and is aimed at advancing academic engagement.

Data management practices are designed to ensure data security and confidentiality. Users have control over their Personal Data, including the right to update, rectify, or request deletion of their information.